Smoking prevalence and tobacco control in Australia

Last updated: April 2024

Suggested citation: Bayly, M and Scollo, M. Figure A1.6 Daily smoking prevalence among Australians aged 14+ years against major tobacco control events, 1991 to 2022–23. In Greenhalgh, EM, Scollo, MM and Winstanley, MH [editors]. Tobacco in Australia: Facts and Issues. Melbourne: Cancer Council Victoria; 2024. Available from


Figure A1.6 Daily smoking prevalence among Australians aged 14+ years against major tobacco control events, 1991 to 2022–23.
Sources: National Drug Strategy Household Survey 2022–23. Tobacco smoking chapter, Supplementary data tables: Table 2.4. Canberra: AIHW, 2024. Available from:; and Tobacco in Australia: Facts and Issues, Introduction and Chapters 11, 11A, 13, 14 & 15.