Appendix 2Australian cases on exposure to secondhand smoke in which compensation has been paid, 1986 to 2006




Cause of Action





Bishop v The Commonwealth of Australia (Department of Defence)



Commonwealth Employees Redeployment and Retirement Appeals Tribunal. Administrative Appeals Tribunal, A85/100, 25 March 1986

Compensation: undisclosed

Claim: Allergic reaction to smoke


Burchmore v Queen Elizabeth Hospital

South Australia


Listed for hearing in the South Australian Local Court, April 1986

Compensation: settled out of court; conditions confidential but believed to involve a minimum of $8000

Claim: Lung damage


Hart v Ansett Airlines of Australia



Compensation Court of NSW, 23 September 1986

Compensation: $20,000 out-of-court settlement

Claim: Nausea, headache, respiratory symptoms


Victorian Secondary Teachers Association v Ministry of Education



Workcare claim, January 1987

Compensation: undisclosed

Claim: Severe aggravation of sinusitis and acute infection of nasal passages, throat and facial bones


O’Brien v Muree Golf Club

New South Wales


Workers compensation claim, Compensation Court of NSW, June 1987

Compensation: $36,500 out-of-court settlement

Claim: Emphysema


Carroll v Melbourne Metropolitan Transit Authority



Workcare claim, Victorian Accident Compensation Tribunal, July 1988

Compensation: $65,000 out-of-court settlement

Claim: Lung cancer


Unnamed v SA TAB



Workcover claim, April 1991

Compensation: unknown



O’Keefe v seven hotel employers



Workcare claim, June 1991

Compensation: $20,000 out-of-court settlement

Claim: Lung cancer


Voss v Victorian Government



Workcare claim, August 1991

Compensation: unknown

Claim: Throat cancer


Scholem v NSW Dept of Health


(1992) 3 APLR 45

New South Wales

Common law negligence and breach of NSW Factories, Shops and Industries Act 1962

NSW District Court, Sydney, May 27, 1992

Compensation: $85,000

(District court jury award)

Claim: Exacerbation of asthma; emphysema (chronic obstructive lung disease).

Psychologist at community health centre. Prolonged exposure at work.


Julian Tagell v Victorian Office of Corrections



Victorian County Court, 25 June 1992

Compensation: out-of-court settlement, amount undisclosed

Claim: Aggravation of asthma, respiratory tract infections, other symptoms


William Stewart v Victorian County Court



Victorian County Court, October 1992

Compensation: out-of-court settlement, amount undisclosed

Claim: Impaired respiratory function, emphysema, asthma


Gill v Electricity Trust of South Australia

South Australia


South Australian Workers’ Compensation Review Panel, No. 94-0103

Compensation: $19,981

Claim: Reduced ventilatory capacity


Unnamed v radio station 3RRR




Compensation: out-of-court settlement believed to be some thousands of dollars

Claim: Contraction of pneumonia


John Waters v VicRoads



Melbourne Magistrates Court, Feb 1994

Compensation: out-of-court settlement, amount undisclosed

Claim: Asthma; challenge to Workcover benefits


Nurse’s aide (unnamed) v Victorian Public Hospital (unnamed)




$4,000 out-of-court settlement

Claim: Conjunctivitis;

Workcare claim for medical expenses, pain and suffering


Redmond Baxter v Victorian Office of Corrections



Victorian County Court, June 1994

Compensation: out-of-court settlement, amount undisclosed

Claim: Respiratory condition, headaches, nausea


Beasley v P&O Cruise Lines

New South Wales


NSW Local Court

Compensation: settlement of $3500

Claim: Misleading conduct—smokefree areas claimed in a promotional brochure not enforced on a cruise ship


Leonie Cameron v Qantas Airways Limited

New South Wales

Common law negligence


Misleading and deceptive conduct

Unconscionable conduct

Federal Court of Australia

Various monetary damages awarded ranging from $50-$750

Claim: Misrepresenting ‘non-smoking’ seats but exposed to secondhand smoke.


Leonie Cameron v Qantas Airways Limited

New South Wales

As above (on appeal)

Full Court of the Federal Court of Australia

Damages awards set aside on appeal

As above


Koliha v Coles Myer



Victorian County Court

Compensation: settlement of $20,000

Claim: Damages for smoke exposure in a shopping centre

1997 / 2000

Meeuwissen v Hilton Hotels of Australia Pty Ltd



Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, complaint Nos H97/50 & H97/51; 25 September 1997 and 10 March 2000

Compensation: $2000 and $500

Claim: Discrimination under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth).

Patron forced to leave nightclub due to asthma attack.


Andrea Bowles v Tien Tien Cafe Bar

Also referred to as

Bowles v Canton Pty Ltd


Common law negligence


Occupier’s liability (statutory)


Breach of contract

Melbourne Magistrates Court, 13 September 2000

Compensation: over $7,600

Claim: Breach of contract/agreement, breach of duty of care and occupiers liability.

Patron sued restaurant.


Sharp v Stephen Guinery t/as Port Kembla Hotel & Port Kembla RSL Club

New South Wales

Common law negligence

[2001] NSWSC 336

Compensation: Award of $466,048, including a settlement of $166,00 against another employer defendant prior to the award

Claim: Laryngeal cancer. Exposed during employment.


Edge v WorkCover Corporation SA

South Australia



Compensation awarded. Sum undisclosed.

Bar worker exposed to ETS for 3 years. Non-smoker. Tongue cancer, partial removal of tongue, years of radiation therapy, speech therapy.



The information in this table was collated from various internal memoranda at the VicHealth Centre for Tobacco Control and material published on the internet by the following organisations:

  • Action on Smoking and Health Australia
  • LexisNexis
  • The Cancer Council New South Wales
  • University of Sydney Tobacco Control Supersite
  • Workcover NSW
  • Workers Health Centre