Bishop v The Commonwealth of Australia (Department of Defence)
Commonwealth Employees Redeployment and Retirement Appeals Tribunal. Administrative Appeals Tribunal, A85/100, 25 March 1986
Compensation: undisclosed
Claim: Allergic reaction to smoke
Burchmore v Queen Elizabeth Hospital
South Australia
Listed for hearing in the South Australian Local Court, April 1986
Compensation: settled out of court; conditions confidential but believed to involve a minimum of $8000
Claim: Lung damage
Hart v Ansett Airlines of Australia
Compensation Court of NSW, 23 September 1986
Compensation: $20,000 out-of-court settlement
Claim: Nausea, headache, respiratory symptoms
Victorian Secondary Teachers Association v Ministry of Education
Workcare claim, January 1987
Compensation: undisclosed
Claim: Severe aggravation of sinusitis and acute infection of nasal passages, throat and facial bones
O’Brien v Muree Golf Club
New South Wales
Workers compensation claim, Compensation Court of NSW, June 1987
Compensation: $36,500 out-of-court settlement
Claim: Emphysema
Carroll v Melbourne Metropolitan Transit Authority
Workcare claim, Victorian Accident Compensation Tribunal, July 1988
Compensation: $65,000 out-of-court settlement
Claim: Lung cancer
Unnamed v SA TAB
Workcover claim, April 1991
Compensation: unknown
O’Keefe v seven hotel employers
Workcare claim, June 1991
Compensation: $20,000 out-of-court settlement
Claim: Lung cancer
Voss v Victorian Government
Workcare claim, August 1991
Compensation: unknown
Claim: Throat cancer
Scholem v NSW Dept of Health
(1992) 3 APLR 45
New South Wales
Common law negligence and breach of NSW Factories, Shops and Industries Act 1962
NSW District Court, Sydney, May 27, 1992
Compensation: $85,000
(District court jury award)
Claim: Exacerbation of asthma; emphysema (chronic obstructive lung disease).
Psychologist at community health centre. Prolonged exposure at work.
Julian Tagell v Victorian Office of Corrections
Victorian County Court, 25 June 1992
Compensation: out-of-court settlement, amount undisclosed
Claim: Aggravation of asthma, respiratory tract infections, other symptoms
William Stewart v Victorian County Court
Victorian County Court, October 1992
Compensation: out-of-court settlement, amount undisclosed
Claim: Impaired respiratory function, emphysema, asthma
Gill v Electricity Trust of South Australia
South Australia
South Australian Workers’ Compensation Review Panel, No. 94-0103
Compensation: $19,981
Claim: Reduced ventilatory capacity
Unnamed v radio station 3RRR
Compensation: out-of-court settlement believed to be some thousands of dollars
Claim: Contraction of pneumonia
John Waters v VicRoads
Melbourne Magistrates Court, Feb 1994
Compensation: out-of-court settlement, amount undisclosed
Claim: Asthma; challenge to Workcover benefits
Nurse’s aide (unnamed) v Victorian Public Hospital (unnamed)
$4,000 out-of-court settlement
Claim: Conjunctivitis;
Workcare claim for medical expenses, pain and suffering
Redmond Baxter v Victorian Office of Corrections
Victorian County Court, June 1994
Compensation: out-of-court settlement, amount undisclosed
Claim: Respiratory condition, headaches, nausea
Beasley v P&O Cruise Lines
New South Wales
NSW Local Court
Compensation: settlement of $3500
Claim: Misleading conduct—smokefree areas claimed in a promotional brochure not enforced on a cruise ship
Leonie Cameron v Qantas Airways Limited
New South Wales
Common law negligence
Misleading and deceptive conduct
Unconscionable conduct
Federal Court of Australia
Various monetary damages awarded ranging from $50-$750
Claim: Misrepresenting ‘non-smoking’ seats but exposed to secondhand smoke.
Leonie Cameron v Qantas Airways Limited
New South Wales
As above (on appeal)
Full Court of the Federal Court of Australia
Damages awards set aside on appeal
As above
Koliha v Coles Myer
Victorian County Court
Compensation: settlement of $20,000
Claim: Damages for smoke exposure in a shopping centre
1997 / 2000
Meeuwissen v Hilton Hotels of Australia Pty Ltd
Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, complaint Nos H97/50 & H97/51; 25 September 1997 and 10 March 2000
Compensation: $2000 and $500
Claim: Discrimination under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth).
Patron forced to leave nightclub due to asthma attack.
Andrea Bowles v Tien Tien Cafe Bar
Also referred to as
Bowles v Canton Pty Ltd
Common law negligence
Occupier’s liability (statutory)
Breach of contract
Melbourne Magistrates Court, 13 September 2000
Compensation: over $7,600
Claim: Breach of contract/agreement, breach of duty of care and occupiers liability.
Patron sued restaurant.
Sharp v Stephen Guinery t/as Port Kembla Hotel & Port Kembla RSL Club
New South Wales
Common law negligence
[2001] NSWSC 336
Compensation: Award of $466,048, including a settlement of $166,00 against another employer defendant prior to the award
Claim: Laryngeal cancer. Exposed during employment.
Edge v WorkCover Corporation SA
South Australia
Compensation awarded. Sum undisclosed.
Bar worker exposed to ETS for 3 years. Non-smoker. Tongue cancer, partial removal of tongue, years of radiation therapy, speech therapy.